Saturday, December 13, 2008

Maybe it a conspiracy between Ben and Jerry and Turkey Hill

It's Ice Cream and Violins Day today. I'm unclear whether or not you are supposed to listen to violins while eating ice cream or sad songs are played while you eat ice cream in the cold. (No one and I mean no one - I have literally read over a hundred blogs noting this obscure holiday - knows why. But why wonder why?)

Christmas video countdown -

December 13, 303 -
The feast of St. Lucy (Santa Lucia). Because her extreme beauty attracted too many admirers, Lucy gouged her own eyes out (she had body issues). Miraculously they grew back. After refusing to marry, the Romans forced her to become a whore. She wasn't particularly thrilled with that choice, so she went for door number two and her Roman guards stabbed her to death but not before gouging out her eyes, again. Early depictions show Lucy offering her eyes on a platter; she is now the patron saint of Sicily and of opticians.

Oh those wacky early Christians.

December 13, 1577 -
Sir Francis Drake set out on a three year (and not three hour) long journey around the world, on this date. He had started his career as a sailor in the slave trading business, but after some run-ins with the Spanish, he decided to devote his life to taking vengeance on the Spanish by disrupting their trade routes.

He became a semi-official pirate for Queen Elizabeth I, plundering Spanish ships, gathering intelligence about their naval activities and creating delicious little dessert cakes.

December 13, 1928
The Clip-on tie is invented on this date. Productivity soars as time lost in tying knots is made up and accidential strangulation rates drop as fewer workers ties are caught in the gears.

Little know fact - the term, dork, is also coined.

Christmas Trivia -
It's all the damn man in the can's fault. Christmas trees are known to have been popular in Germany as far back as the sixteenth century. In England, they became popular after Queen Victoria's husband Albert, who came from Germany, made a tree part of the celebrations at Windsor Castle. In the United States, the earliest known mention of a Christmas tree is in the diary of a German who settled in Pennsylvania. Don't even ask about the legacy of Prince Albert and tight trousers.

8 more shopping days until Hanukkah, 11 more shopping days until Christmas.

And so it goes.

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