Today is the Feast of The Transverberation of St. Teresa of Avila
If you find yourself in Rome, run do not walk, to see the Santa Maria della Vittoria Church. It houses one of the most amazing statues - The Ecstasy of St. Teresa by Bernini.

The statues depict a moment described by Saint Teresa of Avila in her autobiography, where she had the vivid vision of an angel piercing her heart with a golden shaft, over and over again, causing her both immense joy and pain. The flowing robes and contorted posture abandon classical restraint and repose to depict a more passionate, almost voluptuous trance.
(More of the Elvis Costello birthday celebration)
Here's your Today in History:
August 26, 1743 -
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier was born. Dr. Lavoisier discovered oxygen. The discovery was a great boon to science, as it enabled Breathing, without which many subsequent scientific advances wouldhave been impossible.

August 26, 1883-
Krakatoa erupted, between Java and Sumatra. The two-day eruption and related tidal waves killed 36,000 people and destroyed two thirds of the island. (Yeah, yeah, I know, Krakatoa is West of Java.)
On a lighter note, "Krakatoa" sounds like "cracked a toe, huh?" and can be used in many humorous puns.
August 26, 1920 -

The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution granted women suffrage. Most women opposed the amendment, on the grounds that they had suffered enough already, but it passed anyway since only men could vote.
August 26, 1982 -
The Argentine government ended its ban on political parties. This resulted in more festive politicians, and the great National Hangover of 1983.
And so it goes.
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