Friday, June 7, 2024

Life is short, eat the donut

Today is National Donut Day. The holiday began as a fundraiser for the Salvation Army in 1938. It is celebrated annually on the first Friday of June, and honors all the female volunteers who served donuts to soldiers behind the front lines during World War I.

But let's talk about Homer Simpson, the US' No. 1 donut fan and the history of Doughnuts:

To celebrate Donut Day 2024, a few donut shops are offering a free donut deal. Celebrate at Krispy Kreme with a free donut of any variety, or at Dunkin' Donuts which is offering a free donut with the purchase of any beverage.

June 7, 1958 -
The Everly Brothers song All I Have to Do Is Dream topped the charts on this date.

This song, which sold over a million copies, was written by Boudleaux Bryant, who was half of the world famous husband-and-wife songwriting team, Boudleaux and Felice Bryant. Together, this talented couple penned many huge hits for the Everly Brothers and other artists, including Bye, Bye Love, Wake Up Little Susie, Bird Dog, Devoted to You, Hey Joe, Love Hurts, Raining In My Heart, and Rocky Top.

June 7, 1969 -
Tommy James and the Shondells released Crystal Blue Persuasion on this date.

This would have made a great performance at Woodstock, and the song was peaking on the charts at the time of the famous festival. Tommy James & the Shondells were invited to appear, but, as Tommy explains: "Like dopes we turned it down. I gotta tell you what – we were in Hawaii at the foot of Diamond Head. This was in August of '69, and we played a date in Hilo, and then we had two weeks off and then we were gonna play in Honolulu. They put us at these gorgeous mansions at the foot of Diamond Head, right on the ocean. And our biggest decision of the day was, Do I go in the ocean or in the swimming pool? We were sitting around drinking margaritas, and it was wonderful. And I get this call from JoAnn, my secretary, and she said, 'Artie Kornfeld was up,' Artie Kornfeld was one of the principals at Woodstock, and he was also a friend of mine. He produced the Cowsills and a whole bunch of other acts, and he was very successful producer. We had the same lawyer. And so she said, 'Artie was up and asked if you could play at this pig farm up in upstate New York.' I said, 'What?!?' 'Well, they say it's gonna be a lot of people there, and it's gonna be like a really important show.' And I said, 'Did I hear you right? Did you say would I leave paradise, fly 6,000 miles, and play a pig farm? Is that what you just asked me?' She said, 'Well, you could put it like that, but it's gonna be a big show. It's important.' I said, 'Well, I'll tell you what, if I'm not there, start without us, will you please?' And I hung up the phone. And they did. And by Thursday of that week we knew we messed up really bad. (laughing) But in the end I think I got probably more mileage out of that story."

June 7, 1969 -
The Johnny Cash Show, a summer replacement for ABC's Hollywood Palace variety program, premiered on this date, with performances by Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell.

Dylan, who met Cash at the 1964 Newport Folk Festival, was making his first public performance since the Woody Guthrie benefit in January 1968. He performed I Threw It All Away and Living the Blues. Cash and Dylan also played Girl From the North Country, which they’d recently recorded for Dylan’s country-flavored LP Nashville Skyline. The show also featured Cash singing Folsom Prison Blues, and Dylan’s It Ain’t Me Babe as a duet with wife June Carter Cash. Joni Mitchell sang her hit Both Sides Now.

Talk about cosmic convergence -

it's Dean Martin's,

Tom Jones'

and Prince's birthday today.

Think of the number of children conceived listening to their music.

June 7, 1975

Sony releases Betamax videocassette recorder, the first home video format, in Japan, on this date. The recorder goes on sale to the public for $995.00.

Almost a year to the day later, JVC will introduce a competing format called the Video Home System (VHS). VHS will ultimately surpass the Betamax format in terms of popularity, partly due to its longer recording length and partly due to maneuvering on the part of Sony to corner the home video market.

June 7, 1975 -
Elton John's ninth studio album Captain Fantastic And The Brown Dirt Cowboys, went to No. 1 on the US album chart, on this date. It's the first album ever to enter the US chart at No. 1. (where it stayed for seven weeks).

Captain Fantastic' is a concept album that gives an autobiographical glimpse at the struggles John (Captain Fantastic) and Taupin (the Brown Dirt Cowboy) had in the early years of their musical careers in London.

June 7, 1985 -
The movie Perfect, starring John Travolta and Jamie Lee Curtis, premiered in the US, on this date.

Since it was impractical to shoot the film's Rolling Stone sequences at the magazine's headquarters in New York, an almost identical, two-story duplicate of those offices was built on a pair of sound stages at Laird International Studios in Los Angeles.

June 7, 1991 -
Spike Lee's controversial film (at the time), Jungle Fever, starring Wesley Snipes, Annabella Sciorra, Spike Lee, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, Samuel L. Jackson, Queen Latifah, John Turturro, and Anthony Quinn went into general release in the US on this date.

According to Bill Lee, Spike Lee's father, the film is a result of Spike's anger at Bill, for marrying a white woman shortly after Spike's mother died.

June 7, 1991
The Castle Rock film which revived the career of Jack Palance, City Slickers, directed by Ron Underwood and also starring Billy Crystal, Danial Stern and Bruno Kirby premiered on this date.

The story that Billy Crystal tells about his "best day" of going to a Yankee game with his father is a true story from his childhood. He notes at one point that, "I still have the program." Not only does he really still have it, but he got Mickey Mantle to autograph it twice: once at the game that day and once again some 20 years later on a talk show they were both guests on.

Another unimportant moment in history

Today in History (sometimes it doesn't pay to get out of bed): June 7, 1494 -
Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas (which divides the New World between the two countries. Hence, the Brazilians speak Portuguese rather than Spanish). In the volatile, war-torn world in which we live, many historical documents have become required reading. Not this one. You will never be standing at a cocktail party where someone says, "It's all because of that damn Treaty of Tordesillas."

No one will ever blame the failures of the Middle East Peace Process or the brinkmanship in South Asia on the harsh conditions of the Treaty of Tordesillas. You'll never see your favorite pundit toss off the "Treaty of Tordesillas" in an ironic and off-handed way. You won't hear Noam Chomsky cite it as a cause or effect of American imperialism. It will never attract the directorial eye of Michael Moore or Oliver Stone.

You already know more about that treaty than most people alive today. You may now forget it ever existed. It has no relevance to your life.

June 7, 1502 -
Ugo Buoncompagni was born on this date. He became Pope Gregory XIII in 1572 and remained the Pope until 1585. He is best known for reforming the Julian calendar, which is why it's now Gregorian instead of Julian.

Had he reformed the calendar before becoming Pope, it would be the Ugian Calendar. That would have been a calendar worth having.

(For some reason that I can't quite figure out - I think I've mentioned Pope Gregory XIII in these pages more than any human being.)

June 7, 1692 -
At 11:43 am, a catastrophic earthquake struck Port Royal, Jamaica, then known as "the richest and wickedest city in the world." Buildings are shaken apart and ships in harbor hurled onto busy streets.

In just three minutes, the temblor takes out 70% of the population, killing 1,600 and seriously injuring 3,000 others.

It was a beautiful weekend back in 1786, it's nice to know that the first day ice cream was sold in the US, on this date.

The Smithsonian Museum purports to have an inappropriate woodcutting of a very young Bernie Sanders making a rude gesture to either Martha Washington or Dolley Madison concerning how Alexander Hamilton cut ahead of him on line and how he'd fix those damn banks some day in the future.

June 7, 1892 -
Homer Plessy, a shoemaker of mixed race from Louisiana, was arrested for refusing to move from a designated "white" seat on a train, on this date.

His arrest and subsequent trial (Plessy v. Ferguson) led to the landmark "separate but equal" decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1896, which permitted segregation.

June 7, 1893 -
Co-incidentally or not, when traveling by train across South Africa, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was asked to leave the first-class compartment - for which he had a ticket - because another passenger complained of having to ride with a colored person.

He refused to move and authorities were called to force him and his luggage to disembark in Maritzburg. This was Gandhi's first act of disobedience.

June 7, 1937 -
While filming Saratoga, Jean Harlow was hospitalized with uremic poisoning and kidney failure, a result of the scarlet fever she had suffered during childhood.

In the days before dialysis and kidney transplants, nothing could be done and Harlow died on this date. She was 26.

(Most of you probably have not idea who the hell Jean Harlow was?)

June 7, 1954 -
Despondent over court-ordered estrogen treatments to cure his homosexuality, Alan Turing committed suicide by consuming an apple laced with cyanide. (His inspiration - Snow White, his favorite movie.)

Turing is considered the founder of modern computing, a pioneer in the field of Artificial Intelligence, and a crucial member of the team that cracked Germany's Enigma cipher in World War II.

So, apparently an apple a day does keep the doctor away - permanently.

June 7, 1965 -
I suppose that if I could have quit, I would have, because in those days I never wanted to be an actress, the acting was something to do while I waited for a chance to study writing and directing. But I guess I was just meant to be an actress. Because, here I am..

The anything but dumb blonde, Judy Holliday (born Judith Tuvim, who reportedly had an IQ of over 170) died from the breast cancer that had plagued her for over five years, on this date. She was 43.

June 7, 1967 -
If you have any young friends who aspire to become writers, the second greatest favor you can do them is to present them with copies of The Elements of Style. The first greatest, of course, is to shoot them now, while they’re happy.

Dorothy Rothschild Parker, writer, poet, critic and screen writer, outlived many of her drinking buddies from the Algonquin Round Table, died of a heart attack at the age of 73 on this date.

Her 'troubles' did not end with her death as her executrix, Lillian Hellman, bitterly but unsuccessfully contested the final bequest of her estate to the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. foundation and her ashes remained unclaimed in various places, including her attorney Paul O'Dwyer's filing cabinet, for approximately 17 years.

June 7, 1982 -
In an effort to defray its $500,000 annual upkeep costs, Priscilla Presley opened Graceland to the public only five years after Elvis died in an upstairs bathroom. The bathroom is kept off-limits to tourists.

Think of how much they could take in at the gate if you could sit on the King's final throne? (Hope all the kerfuffle over the estate will be resolved soon.)

And so it goes.

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