Saturday, June 1, 2024

It would probably boast it invented romance.

June is the sixth month of the year and consists of thirty days. The ancient Romans gave it 29 days until 46 BC, when Julius Caesar added the thirtieth for reasons known only to himself (Caesar's hobbies seem to be conquest of the known world, sleeping with some very rich North African teenager and calendar making.)

The last day of the month is therefore referred to as its "Caesarian Section" by calendar insiders.

(Calendar insiders need to get out more often.)

The month is believed to derive its name from either the Roman goddess Juno, patron goddess of marriage, or the Latin word iuniores, (the young ones).

June marks the transition from spring to summer in the northern hemisphere, and from fall to winter in the southern hemisphere. (It is not a transitional month in other hemispheres.)

June has usually been the most popular month for weddings, but it's commonly overlooked that it's also one of the top twelve months for bathtub drownings and spontaneous combustion.

June is traditionally considered the poet's month because with the warming of the earth and the lengthening light of the fragrant evenings, thoughts inevitably turn to romance as hearts and passions swell. Also, June rhymes with a lot of words. For example: afternoon, aswoon, Autoimmune, baboon, balloon, bassoon, bestrewn, boon, buffoon, cameroon, cocoon, contrabassoon, croon, doubloon, dragoon, dune, entomb, excommune, festoon, floroon, granfalloon, harpoon, honeymoon, immune, inopportune, impugn, jejune, kaboom, lampoon, loon, macaroon, maroon, midafternoon, monsoon, moon, noon, pantaloons, picayune, platoon, poltroon, pontoon, prune, raccoon, rune, saloon, schmigadoon, spittoon, spermatozoon, strewn, swoon, tune, tycoon, typhoon, untramaroon, and vinegarroon.

Among the things we celebrate this month are:

National Accordion Awareness Month
Aquarium Month
Dairy Alternatives Month
National DJ Month
National Iced Tea Month
Fireworks Safety Months
National Pest Control Month
National Seafood Month

It's National Bubbly Day. The first Saturday in June is the day to break out that special bottle of sparkling wine you've been saving.  Please note - while many people think that “bubbly” is merely a synonym for Champagne, the nickname really can refer to any sort of sparkling wine. Champagne is a specific sparkling wine from the Champagne region of France. This differentiation should help you keep those french sommeliers at bay. In the privacy of your own home, you may refer to any type of sparkling wine, as Champagne - it's no skin off my teeth.

National Bubble Day was invented by Freixenet Cava in 2016. This company has been making sparking wine since the 1860s, and the first bottle was released in 1914. This holiday was created to bring attention to sparking wine and how it can be enjoyed not just on this holiday but any day of the year. Other types of “bubbly” may include Prosecco (from Italy), Cava (from Spain), Moscato (from Italy) and many additional options.

June 1, 1966 -
Dick Van Dyke tripped over the ottoman for the last time when CBS aired the last episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Last Chapter on this date.

In the show, Rob writes his autobiography and shows it to everyone. At the end of the show Alan decides to buy the rights to the manuscript and turn it into a TV series with him as the star after he finishes the variety series - which is what Carl Reiner did when he starred in the first unaired pilot for this series.

June 1, 1968 -
The British television series The Prisoner, starring Patrick McGoohan, had its American premiere on CBS-TV, as a summer replacement for a Jackie Gleason series, on this date.

At the end of the run of Secret Agent, there was a party, and some members of Parliament attended. Someone said to McGoohan, "So, what does a secret agent do when he retires?" meaning McGoohan. McGoohan took it literally and asked the question to some Parliament members. "Oh, we take care of them. We give them a house, a car, some pocket money, and that way they don't defect." This inspired McGoohan to create the show.

June 1, 1968 -
The Simon & Garfunkel release Mrs. Robinson hit No. 1 on the Billboard #100 list on this date.

Paul Simon began writing this as Mrs. Roosevelt, and had just the line, Here's to you, Mrs. Roosevelt when he changed it to Mrs. Robinson for The Graduate. Simon did not originally write a full-length version of this song, only the verses that are heard in the movie. After the movie became a hit, he finished the lyrics and recorded the full version that is known today.

June 1, 1980 -
Cable News Network (CNN) made its debut as the first all-news station.

How sad, Darth Vader had to do voice over work to rebuild the death star

June 1, 1984 -
The third feature film of the Star Trek franchise, Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, starring the usually cast of characters on this date.

The film's villains were originally intended to be Romulans, but upper studio management wanted Klingons to be used, since they were better-known enemies. By the time the decision was made, the Romulan warship was already built, and they did not want the expense of replacing it. However, since Star Trek: The Original Series had already established that the Klingons and Romulans had shared technologies and ships in the past (for exactly the same real-world cost-cutting reasons), the idea of Klingons using a Romulan-style vessel was not a problem.

June 1, 1985 -
David Lee Roth's cover of two Louis Prima songs - Just A Gigolo / I Ain't Got Nobody peaks at No. 12 on the Billboard Charts on this date.

Roth's love of quirky songs from a bygone era stems from his childhood, when he would listen to the underground radio station KPPC out of Pasadena, California. In their "anything goes" format, they played lots of fun, adventurous songs by the likes of Cab Calloway and Louis Prima.

June 1, 2001 -
Baz Luhrmann's jukebox musical fantasy, Moulin Rouge!, starring Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor, John Leguizamo, Jim Broadbent, and Richard Roxburgh, opens nationwide in theaters, on this date.

Various tricks were used to make John Leguizamo's (Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa) legs appear shorter. Some shots are of his stand-in who was of the correct height, while in others he walked on his knees in special leg braces and wearing blue socks so that his lower legs could be digitally removed. Leguizamo did the entire climactic scene from a squatting position to give him greater mobility in his role. Consequently he had to endure several weeks of physical therapy afterwards.

June 1, 2009
Coco thought he succeeded Jay Leno when The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien premiered on NBC, on this date.

Many members of the Late Night cast and crew made the transition to The Tonight Show. The Max Weinberg 7, the house band from O'Brien's Late Night, served as the house band under the new name, Max Weinberg and The Tonight Show Band. Andy Richter returned to the show as announcer, and also began resuming his role as sidekick, shortly before the show's conclusion. The opening and closing theme song from Late Night was also carried over to Tonight, in a slightly altered form.

Don't forget to tune in to The ACME Eagle Brand Soap Radio Hour today

Today in History:
June 1, 1494 -
The first written record of Scotch Whisky appeared in the Exchequer Rolls of Scotland on this date. (The Scots spell it whisky and the Irish spell it whiskey, with an extra 'e'. This difference in the spelling comes from the translations of the word from the Scottish and Irish Gaelic forms. Whiskey with the extra 'e' is also used when referring to American whiskies.)

It is generally agreed that Dalriadan Scots monks brought distillation with them when they came to Caledonia to convert the Picts to Christianity in the fourth and fifth centuries A.D. A Friar John Cor was the distiller of the first known batch.

June 1, 1571 -
The "Triple Tree" gallows was installed at Tyburn, England in time for the execution of John Storey, who was hanged, drawn, and quartered for committing treason.

The Triple Tree consists of an equilateral triangle nine feet long on each side, 18 feet off the ground. It can hang as many as 24 prisoners at once, and would remain in place for almost 200 years.

June 1, 1660 -
After having received a last-minute reprieve seven months earlier, Mary Dyer was hanged for heresy after returning to Boston on this date.

Dyer was guilty of the heinous crime of being a member of the Quakers, a subversive religious sect which had been banned by the Puritan colony under "pain of death" for their religious views of warm breakfast foods.

June 1, 1813 -
The U.S. Navy gained its motto as the mortally wounded commander of the U.S. frigate Chesapeake, Captain James Lawrence was heard to say, "Don't give up the ship!", during a losing battle with a British frigate Shannon; his ship was captured by the British frigate.

James Lawrence
died of his wounds on June 4th, while the Chesapeake was being taken to Halifax, Nova Scotia, by her captors. His body was later repatriated to New York for burial.

June 1, 1926 -
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.

Gladys Baker gave birth to Norma Jeane Mortenson in Los Angeles on this date.

Unfortunately, things did not quite work out for little Norma Jean.

June 1, 1938 -
Superman made his first appearance in D.C. Comics' Action Comics Series issue #1. The comic book sold for 10 cents. Jerry Siegel created Superman in 1933 after he dreamed about the Biblical story of Moses, whose parents abandoned him as a baby in order to save his life. This became the plot of the first Superman story.

It has been estimated that there are only 50 to 100 original copies of Action Comics #1 still in existence, and a smaller number of such exceptional quality as to be at the very high end of collectibility. One copy was stolen from actor Nicolas Cage, an avid comic book collector, in 2000. In March 2011, it was found in a storage locker in the San Fernando Valley and was verified by to be exactly the same copy that they sold to him previously. Cage had previously received an insurance payment for the item.

June 1, 1954 -
In the Peanuts comic strip, Linus' security blanket made its debut, on this date.

Although one of the things most associated with Linus is his obsessive need for the comfort provided by his security blanket, the intensity of that need clearly ebbs, as he is often (probably most frequently) shown without the beloved blanket.

June 1, 1967 -
It was 57 years ago today, The Beatles blew the collective world's mind away. Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was released in the UK on this date

The album was quite complex to produced and took 129 days and about 700 hours to complete. The Beatles first album, Please Please Me, was recorded in less than 10 hours.

June 1, 1968 -
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.

Helen Keller - America's all-time favorite deaf and blind Socialist - died in Westport, Connecticut at the age of 87, on this date.

June 1, 1974 -
The procedure, the Heimlich maneuver (named after Dr. Henry Heimlich) was first mentioned in an article on this date in the journal, Emergency Medicine.

It's a maneuver that has largely replaced the old fashioned back-blows that people used to perform on choking victims.

It's Oscar the Grouch's birthday today.

Remember to leave something nice out in the trash today. (Please note: when Oscar first moved into his trash can he was orange. Then the gangrene set in.)

It's also my sister's birthday.

She doesn't usually make a big fuss about it but since she is the oldest relationship I have other than my parents, I will.

Happy Birthday.

And so it goes.

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