I'm waiting for Conan to just snap on camera and curse out Leno on air.
January 13, 1967 -
The Rolling Stones, whom Ed Sullivan swore would never return to his show, appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show, on this date.
They were forced to change the lyrics of Let's Spend The Night Together to Let's Spend Some Time Together .
Today in History
January 13, 1832 -
Horatio Alger, Jr., pederast, minister and American children's author (Ragged Dick, Tattered Tom and Julius, the Street Boy out West ) was born, on this date.
January 13, 1862 -
President Lincoln names Edwin M. Stanton Secretary of War. He vigorously pursued the apprehension and prosecution of the conspirators involved in Lincoln's assassination. These proceedings were not handled by the civil courts, but by a military tribunal, and therefore under Stanton's supervision.
January 13, 1900 -
To combat Czech nationalism, Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary decrees German the official language of the Imperial Army.
This causes all of the Esperanto schools in Austria-Hungarian Empire to close.
January 13, 1910 -
Lee De Forest, the American inventor of the vacuum tube, demonstrates the first radio broadcast, a live performance of Cavalleria Rusticana with Enrico Caruso from the Metropolitan Opera.
The broadcast over a telephone transmitter could be heard only by the small number of electronics hobbyists who had radio receivers or could squeeze into telephone booths. De Forest started regular nightly concerts in 1915, increasing interest in radio receivers, which at the time depended on the vacuum tubes manufactured by De Forest's company.
How convenient.
January 13, 1919 -
California votes to ratify the prohibition amendment.
Much heavy drinking ensues.
January 13, 1919 -
Robert Stack, actor best know for his role as Elliot Ness in the T.V. series "The Untouchables" was born.
January 13, 1962 -
Ernie Kovacs was killed in an automobile accident when he lost control of his Chevrolet Corvair station wagon while turning fast. Crashing into a power pole at the corner of Beverly Glen and Santa Monica Boulevards, he was thrown halfway out the passenger side, dying almost instantly from chest and head injuries.
Kovacs may have lost control of the car while trying to light a cigar. A photographer managed to arrive moments later, and morbid images of Kovacs in death appeared in newspapers across the United States. An unlit cigar lay on the pavement, inches from his outstretched arm. (I'm not posting the photo - you google it.)
Kids - smoking kills.
And so it goes.
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