On January 18th in 1882, A.A. Milne was born.
In case you don't want something so treacly this early in the morning
The horror, the horror ...
I've been hanging around Boingboing.net and found this great cartoon from the 30's
I love the absolute lack of logic and adherence to reality.
Besides being a sales day at the Department Stores, it's Martin Luther King Day. To celebrate the day and the man, I'd like you to once again opine these words from his 1964 Nobel Lecture:
"... Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meaning can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart."
Hopefully your life will be filled with many of these moments.
Today in History:
January 19, 1836 -
Knife aficionado Jim Bowie arrives at the Alamo to assist its Texas defenders.
On January 18, 1871, while Prussian guns blasted all hell out of Paris, William I was proclaimed Emperor of a united Germany in nearby Versailles.
January 18, 1892 -
Oliver Hardy, American comedian, actor and the other half the the world's greatest comedy duo, was born.
January 18, 1903 -
President Theodore Roosevelt sends a radio message to King Edward VII: the first transatlantic radio transmission originating in the United States.
January 18, 1904 -
Cary Grant, noted actor and over the top orgy participant, was born.
January 18, 1990 -
Rusty Hamer, the actor who played Danny Thomas's son on Make Room For Daddy, shoots himself in the head with a .357 Magnum in DeRidder, Louisiana. Rusty was 42 years old.
Uncle Tonoose made him do it.
January 18, 1990 -
Washington DC mayor Marion Barry is arrested on cocaine possession charges at the Vista International Hotel, as he tokes on a glass crack pipe while being videotaped with his mistress Rasheeda.
Kids remember, say no to drugs, especially while being videotaped.
And so it goes
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