Kevin Bacon is in possession of the greatest sense of humor about himself.
It's the third night of Hanukkah. Move on to the donuts.

The Music of comedian Eric Schwartz aka Smooth-E
Hanukkah Bird
Chocolate Coins
Honika Electronica
December 3, 1998 -
The romantic comedy film Shakespeare in Love, premiered in NYC on this date.
Judi Dench won an Academy Award for Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role for her role as Queen Elizabeth, although she is on-screen for only about eight minutes in four scenes. This is the second-shortest performance to win a Best Supporting Actress Oscar. The shortest ever performance was by Beatrice Straight in Network, as she appeared in only six minutes of the film.
Today in History:
December 3, 1890 -
Isaac Jordan, the U.S. Congressional Representative from the great state of Ohio, dies after taking a drunken stumble down an open elevator shaft in his law offices.

December 3, 1948 -
John Michael Osbourne, rock star, 'Prince Of Darkness', drug use casualty and animal vivisectionist is born on this date.
Rock on Ozzy!
December 3, 1967 -
The first successful heart transplant was performed by Dr. Christaan Barnard at Capetown, South Africa, on this date. The patient, Louis Washkansky, lived 18 days with the new heart.
While a practical artificial heart may someday become a reality, transplants of real human hearts would become widely accepted surgery...with some patients living on new hearts for many years .
December 3, 1968 -
St. Elvis appears to his devoted acolytes. The leather clad Elvis - not the sweaty holy Elvis. This is the "Elvis has left the building" Elvis.
Touch the screen and feel his healing powers upon your pelvis.
December 3, 1974 -

There is nothing worse that a free flying porcine roaming the English countryside.
December 3, 1979 -
Festival seating anyone.
At Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati, eleven concertgoers are trampled several dozen others injured in the rush for seating at the opening of a sold-out concert by The Who.
December 3, 1984 -
Methyl Isocyanate leaks from a Union Carbide pesticide plant located at a slum in Bhopal, India. The gas kills 4,000 people and injures 200,000 others, many of whom were permanently blinded or disabled.

What else can one say.
22 more shopping days until Christmas.
And so it goes.
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