45 seconds, a house catches on fire in the
United States
- Globally, a house burns every 20 seconds
April 27, 1922 -
Fritz Lang's Dr Mabuse, der Spieler (some have called it the first film-noir,) premiered in
Berlin, Germany on this date.
Fritz Lang originally wanted the actress portraying
Venus to be completely nude. When the first take was completed, he didn't like how the woman's pubic hair looked, and ordered her to shave it off. The actress indignantly refused, sending Lang into a tantrum. Eventually, a compromise was reached when a small strip of cloth was draped over the offending hair.
April 27, 1930 -
One of the greatest anti-war films, based on the
Erich Maria Remarque novel,
All Quiet on the Western Front, premiered in
NYC on this date.
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