Eat whatever the hell you want.
It doesn't really matter what you eat - at some point, you'll be dead.
July 21, 1951 -
Robin McLaurim Williams, actor and comedian, was born on this date (or was it 1952.)
Hopefully, Robin stays healthy this year.
Have you been wishing that someone would explain to you the history of electricity but using paper cut outs - well, here you go:
Today in History:
July 21, 365 -
Earthquake destroys the ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria, causing the sea to recede and then re-enter the city with tremendous force. Many of those not killed by collapsing buildings were drowned. Fifty thousand die.
It was not a good day in Ole Alexandria
July 21, 1730 -
Holland established the death penalty for acts of sodomy on this date.
I've often said, this is what comes from lack of proper lubricant.
July 21, 1899 -
Ernest Hemingway was born on this date. He was young at the time of his birth. It was fine to be young.
He drove an ambulance in the first world war. It wasn't called the first world war then. It was called the war. It was one of those times when people shot at each other. When people were shooting at each other they didn't have time to worry about what to call it. It was only afterwards that they needed to call it something. "What should we call that time when we were shooting at each other?"
"Let's call it the Great War."
It was a good ambulance. It was long and white. It had flashing lights and a siren that went "wee-ooo, wee-ooo." He liked that.
After the war he lived in Paris. A lot of Americans lived in Paris after the war, but only a few of them had ever driven an ambulance. In the 30s he went to Spain. He was a journalist. They were having a war.
They called it the Spanish Civil War. It was started by an Evil Stoogie named General Franco on July 18, 1936. It was a test drive to see whether or not they should have World War II. They had fascists and socialists and anarchists. They even drank sangria. People shot at each other.
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