Somehow, find the will to live and continue reading
The word of the day is ...Serendipity - the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely.
January 28, 1953 -
J. Fred Muggs joined NBC's Today Show on this date .
Today in History:
January 28, 814 -
First Reich: Charlemagne, German emperor, dies at the age of 71 on this date.
Though he had conquered much of Europe, his legacy was considerably reduced after his death from mismanagement and incompetence.
Coincidentally, The Siege of Paris, lasting from September 19, 1870 until January 28, 1871, bringing about French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War and led to the establishment of the German Empire (Second Reich).
* Consommé de Cheval au millet. (horse)
* Brochettes de foie de Chien à la maître d'hôtel. (dog)
* Emincé de rable de Chat. Sauce mayonnaise. (cat)
* Epaules et filets de Chien braisés. Sauce aux tomates. (dog)
* Civet de Chat aux Champignons. (cat)
* Côtelettes de Chien aux petits pois. (dog)
* Salmis de Rats. Sauce Robert. (rats)
* Gigots de chien flanqués de ratons. Sauce poivrade. (rats)
* Begonias au jus. (flowers)
* Plum-pudding au rhum et à la Moelle de Cheval. (horse)
January 28, 1829 -
In Scotland, serial killer William Burke was hanged for murder following a scandal in which he was found to have provided extra-fresh corpses for anatomy schools in Edinburgh. His partner William Hare had turned king's witness.
If only he had gone for the less fresh corpses. The scandal led to the 1832 Anatomy Act.
January 28, 1958 -
Those damn little toys that you step on in the middle of the night became legal today.
The Lego company patented their design of modern Lego bricks, still compatible with bricks produced today.
January 28, 1958 -
Bizarrely on the same day, Brooklyn Dodger catcher Roy Campanella's career ended when he lost control of his car on a slick highway.
He became a parapalegic and was confined to a wheelchair the remainder of his life .
January 28, 1973 -
Barnaby Jones, starring Buddy Ebsen, premieres on CBS, on this date.
This was George Uttley's (Tom Poston) all-time favorite show in the sitcom Newhart. George would often quote Barnaby when faced with a problem and he needed sage advice to solve it.
January 28, 1977 -
Star of TV's Chico and the Man, Freddie Prinze has a violent allergic reaction to lead.
Despondent over his upcoming divorce and battling a major drug addiction, Prinze shooting himself in the head days earlier, he died on this day. He was 22 years old.
January 28, 1978 -
Fantasy Island, starring Ricardo Montalban and Herve Villechaize, debuted on ABC television on this date.
The waterfall seen during the opening sequences is the real-life Wailua Falls in Kauai, Hawaii.
January 28, 1986 -
Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrates 74 seconds into its flight, killing teacher Christa McAuliffe and the rest of the crew. Their capsule plunged intact into the ocean, pulverizing everyone on impact, making a rescue attempt difficult, if not impossible.
The cause was later found to be failure of a booster rocket O-rings because of the cold weather .
Moral: Avoid rocket travel this week, if possible.
And so it goes.
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