Calling birds, of the Twelve Days of Christmas fame, are an Americanization of Colly birds, also known as the European blackbird. A group of 4 or more blackbirds, ravens or crows is known as a
Now you know.
Eldrick Tont Woods (Tiger to his friends and Blond bimbos everywhere) turns 36 today.
I'm guessing he has more time on his hands for whore mongering.
Once again, this is the corollary to it's good to be the king.
December 30, 1942 -
Frank Sinatra opened at New York's Paramount Theatre for what was scheduled to be a 4-week engagement (his shows turned out to be so popular, he was booked for an additional 4 weeks). An estimated 400 policemen were called out to help curb the excitement.
It is said that some of the teen-age girls were hired to scream, but many more screamed for free. Sinatra was dubbed '
The Sultan of Swoon,' '
The Voice that Thrills Millions' and just '
The Voice.' Whatever he was known as, it was at this Paramount Theatre engagement that modern pop hysteria was born .
December 30, 1949 -
Stanley Donen/ Gene Kelly wonderful take on the Comden and Green musical, On the Town, starring
Gene Kelly and
Frank Sinatra, opened nationwide on this date.
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