And is therefore half over.
October is the tenth month of the year and its name is therefore derived from
Octo, the Latin word for eight (as
Kate Gosselin well knows.) October is often preceded by September and sometimes followed by November.

There are 31 days in October, many of which are Wednesdays. (Wednesday is the fourth day of the week and its name is therefore derived from
Wednes, the Latin word for hump.)
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Dental Hygiene Month, Medical Librarians Month, Energy Awareness Month, Kitchen & Bath Month, Magazine Month (which naturally go together), and Sarcastic Awareness Month. It also Vegetarian Month.
As a result of U.N. resolutions passed four years ago, October is no longer
Soiled Linens Month (September) or
International Sweaty Athletic Supporter Appreciation Month (February).

There are thirty shopping days left until Halloween.
Today in History :
October 1, 1847 -
Maria Mitchell, a distant relative of Benjamin Franklin, using a telescope, discovered "
Miss Mitchell's Comet" (
Comet 1847 VI, modern designation is
C/1847 T1) on this date. Some years previously, King
Frederick VI of Denmark had established gold medal prizes to each discoverer of a "
telescopic comet" (too faint to be seen with the naked eye). The prize was to be awarded to the "
first discoverer" of each such comet (note that comets are often independently discovered by more than one person). She duly won one of these prizes, and this gave her worldwide fame, since the only previous woman to discover a comet had been
Caroline Herschel. She was also asked by her Nantucket neighbors to stop peeking into their bedrooms at night.
There was a temporary question of priority because
Francesco de Vico had independently discovered the same comet two days later, but had reported it first; however, this was resolved in Mitchell's favor. The prize was awarded in
1848 by the new king
Frederick VII.
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