Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's the Epiphany

Feast of the Three Kings (Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar), Little Christmas, etc. (OK folks, the holidays are official over - it's the twelveth day of Christmas)

May your day be filled with small moments of infinite joy and wisdom.

Januart6, 1856 -
Sherlock Holmes, noted English apiarist, morphine and cocaine addict and sometimes detective, was born on this date.

"Elementary, my dear Watson", (which was never actually said by Holmes.)

Franklin Pierce, served as the 14th President of the United States. Most historians agree that he was the worst President ever (time will tell) and after the Presidency, Pierce became a hopeless alcoholic (once running over an elderly woman while driving a carriage intoxicated.)

He started his presidency in a state of grief and nervous exhaustion. Two months before he took office, on January 6, 1853, the President-elect's family had boarded a train in Boston and shortly there after been trapped in their derailed car when it rolled down an embankment near Andover, Massachusetts. Pierce and his wife survived, merely shaken up, but saw their 11-year-old son Benjamin crushed to death.

Not a great way to start a new job.

January 6, 1994
Ice skater Nancy Kerrigan is attacked by Tonya Harding's bodyguard, Shane Stant.

"Why? Why?"

January 6, 1955
Rowan Atkinson, British comedian, was born on this date.

Much more than Mr. Bean.

And so it goes

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