Sad Grandpa was funny. No matter what you thing of John McCain's politics, he still was relaxed enough to make fun of himself last night.
Today in History -
November 2, 1947 -
In California, industrialist, film producer/director, philanthropist, syphilitic bisexual germaphobe Howard Hughes performs the maiden (and only) flight of the Spruce Goose; the largest fixed-wing aircraft ever built.
November 2, 1959 -
Quiz show scandals: Twenty One game show contestant Charles Van Doren admits to a Congressional committee that he had been given questions and answers in advance.
November 2, 1974 -
78 patrons die when the Time Go-Go Club in Seoul, South Korea burns down. Six of the victims jumped to their deaths from the seventh floor after a club official barred the doors after the fire started.
That what they get for listening to that damn Rock and Roll Music.
November 2, 1984 -
Velma Barfield becomes the first woman executed in the United States since 1962 for the murder of her mother, her boyfriend and two others with rat poison in their food.

That will learn her.
November 2, 1988 -
The Internet Worm is released by Cornell grad student Robert Morris. His ingenious program was meant to explore the Internet harmlessly, but due to a bug, it crashed some 6,000 computers. Morris parlays the incident into a career, he is now an associate professor at MIT.

Kids, this is not the way to get ahead.
November 2, 1995 -
The image of Jesus Christ appears to many people in a photo taken by the Hubble space telescope, depicting a gigantic gas plume 7000 light years from Earth. Some CNN viewers saw cows, sheep and dogs. At least one viewer saw Gene Shalit.
So, I'm confused, did Gene Shalit die for our sins and is Jesus still reviewing crappy movies on the Today Show?
And so it goes
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