Friday, October 11, 2024

The future is inside its shell.

It's World Egg Day!

So yes, let's all celebrate the incredible edible egg

Egg prices are slightly higher than they were earlier this year. I will speak to the Egg Board about that situation.

Continuing our salute to International Cephalopod Awareness Days, celebrated October 8th through the 12th - Today is Myths and Legends Day.

We here at ACME salute all the fantastical cephalopods of movies, literature and legend.

October 11, 1944 -
The murder-romantic classic, Laura, starring Gene Tierney, Dana Andrews, Clifton Webb and Vincent Price, premiered in NYC on this date.

Gene Tierney didn't give herself much credit for its success: "I never felt my own performance was much more than adequate. I am pleased that audiences still identify me with Laura, as opposed to not being identified at all. Their tributes, I believe, are for the character - the dreamlike Laura - rather than any gifts I brought to the role. I do not mean to sound modest. I doubt that any of us connected with the movie thought it had a chance of becoming a kind of mystery classic, or enduring beyond its generation. If it worked, it was because the ingredients turned out to be right."

October 11, 1958 -
Spencer Tracy was virtually the whole movie in The Old Man and the Sea, which opened in U.S. theaters on this date.

Spencer Tracy flew to Cuba from Los Angeles to meet Ernest Hemingway and get his approval as Santiago.

October 11, 1962 -
We all got to follow the wacky adventures of the crew of PT-73 when McHale's Navy set sail for the first time on this date on ABC-TV.

During an interview, Ernest Borgnine related that when he was initially approached by his agent with an offer to star in the pilot for the show, he turned it down (it was actually to be a drama, called Seven Against the Sea, which was retooled into a comedy when the series was picked up by ABC.) Not long thereafter a boy showed up on Borgnine's doorstep selling candy. He told Borgnine that he looked familiar, but that he couldn't place him. Borgnine, who had already won an Oscar for his role in Marty, asked the boy if he knew who played the lead character Paladin in the television series Have Gun - Will Travel. The boy said, "Richard Boone." He likewise was immediately able to remember the names of several other television series stars, even though he couldn't remember who Borgnine was. After the boy left, Borgnine called his agent to ask if that Navy pilot was still available. When told that it was, Borgnine told him to accept--and so became a part of what eventually would be his signature television series.

October 11, 1963 -
CBS aired the classic The Twilight Zone episode Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, starring William Shatner on this date.

Writer Richard Matheson said he was mostly pleased with Twilight Zone's version of his short story - except for the gremlin. He'd conceived it as a dark, creepy and nearly-invisible humanoid figure. "But this thing," he complained, "looked more like a panda bear."

October 11, 1965
The excellent, though nearly forgotten Cold War drama, The Bedford Incident, directed by James B. Harris, and starring Richard Widmark, Sidney Poitier, Eric Portman, James MacArthur, Martin Balsam, Wally Cox, and Donald Sutherland, opened in the US on this date.

The U.S. Department of Defense withheld full cooperation in making the picture after negative portrayals of the U.S. military in Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb and Seven Days in May. These pictures strained the Pentagon's relations with Hollywood filmmakers. However, according to a contemporary article in the Los Angeles Times, James B. Harris and screenwriter James Poe were able to visit a U.S. Navy destroyer based at Norfolk, Virginia for pre-production research in late 1963.

October 11, 1975 -
The long running (some say too long running) comedy variety show started at 11:30 PM, on this date, with George Carlin as its host. It was called NBC's Saturday Night, because ABC featured a program at the same time titled Saturday Night Live with Howard Cosell. After ABC canceled the Cosell program in 1976, the NBC program changed its name to Saturday Night Live on March 26, 1977.

Besides George Carlin being the guest host, the musical guests included Janis Ian, performing At Seventeen and In the Winter, and Billy Preston, performing Nothing from Nothing and Fancy Lady.

October 11, 1980 -
The Police's third studio album Zenyatta Mondatta went to No.1 on the UK album charts, one week after it's release, on this date.

The album features the hits Don't Stand So Close to Me, Canary in a Coalmine, and De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da and won the band two Grammy Awards.

October 11, 1981 -
The surprise art-house hit, My Dinner With Andre, starring Wallace Shawn and Andre Gregory (sitting around, eating and talking,) premiered on this date.

The low-budget flick was shot in an abandoned hotel in Virginia - in the winter. "Since we didn't have the money to heat the hotel, (producer Beverly Karp) brought me a bit of cognac from time to time," recalls a co-producer. The crew kept warm by wearing ski clothes; the actors just had to act warm, aided by the lights and long underwear.

October 11, 2003 -
Justin Timberlake made his first of five appearance as host on Saturday Night Live, doing double-duty as host and musical guest, on this date.

Timberlake has appeared seven times as a musical guest over the years. During the Punk'd Barely Legal sketch, Justin Timberlake wears the same 'Jesus is my Homeboy' T-Shirt worn a week earlier by Jack Black in The Wade Robson Project sketch.

October 11, 2006 -
One of the funniest shows about TV (other than Mary Tyler Moore) 30 Rock, starring Tina Fey, Alec Baldwin, and Tracy Morgan, premiered on NBC-TV on this date.

Tina Fey had to leave Saturday Night Live in order to appear in the show as the schedules overlapped. Rachel Dratch also left the show at this time, as she was set to play Jenna DeCarlo. After appearing in the first version of the pilot, Dratch was replaced by Jane Krakowski and given bit parts during the first season.

Another unimportant moment in history

Today in History:
October 11, 1884 -
Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, the niece of President Theodore Roosevelt and wife of President Franklin Roosevelt, was born in New York City on this date.

She was the first wife of a president to hold her own news conference at the White House, in 1933. She was a delegate to the UN General Assembly from 1945 until 1952. During her time at the United Nations, she chaired the committee that drafted and approved the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

October 11, 1890 -
Founded in Washington D.C. on this date, the Daughters of the American Revolution has chapters around the world and in all 50 US states. They work to promote US patriotism and preserve history as well as raise money for educational scholarships.

All members have a traceable ancestry lineage to someone who actively worked to achieve US independence. Since the mid-1980s, the DAR has supported a project to identify the names of African Americans, Native Americans, and individuals of mixed race who were patriots of the American Revolution.

October 11, 1899 -
The Bores of South Africa declared war on Great Britain in the hopes of generating interest, on this date.

(The war should not be confused with the Boar War, which had been canceled on account of the loss of tusks.)

October 11, 1910 -
Ex-president Theodore Roosevelt became the first U.S. president to fly in an airplane on this date. He flew for four minutes with Arch Hoxsey at Kinloch Field (Lambert-St. Louis International Airport), St. Louis, Missouri in a plane built by the Wright Brothers.

He was having such a good time, he became the first US President to be repeatedly clubbed like a baby seal to get him out of the plane.


October 11, 1919 -
Britain's Handley Page Transport became the first airline to serve in-flight meals when it offered lunch boxes on its London-to-Paris flight on this date.

The meals, consisting of a sandwich, fruits and chocolate, were sold at 3 shillings each. (British Airways has some of those first meals still available for purchase.)

October 11, 1939 -
President Franklin D. Roosevelt receives the Einstein-Szilárd letter, in which notable physicists warn Roosevelt of the possibility of Nazi Germany conducting research on nuclear fission in an attempt to create an atomic bomb. They urge Roosevelt to launch a similar research program before it’s too late.

The letter was written by Leó Szilárd, Edward Teller, and Eugene Wigner, but it will receive considerable national attention because it was also signed by renowned scientist and media icon Albert Einstein. The letter will arguably become the genesis of the Manhattan Project, and it will later become legendary when it’s revealed by scientist Linus Pauling that, by the end of his life, signing this letter had become one of Einstein’s greatest regrets.

October 11, 1952 -
Referee Francis DeReus halted the college football match between Wesleyan and Dubuque because of the profanity spewing from Dubuque's coach, Kenneth "Moco" Mercer. DeReus tossed coach and team from the game, and called the game because of profanity. The final score was Iowa Wesleyan 1, Dubuque 0. History does not record which vulgarities were involved.

Wanna guess?

October 11, 1961 -
Leonard 'Chico' Marx, the oldest of the Marx Brothers, died on this date. Chico was a compulsive womanizer and had a lifelong gambling habit. His addiction cost him millions of dollars by his own account. His brother, Gummo Marx, in an interview years after Chico's death, said, "Chico's favorite people were actors who gambled, producers who gambled, and women who screwed."

For a while in the 1930s and 1940s Chico led a big band. Singer Mel Torme began his professional career singing with the Chico Marx Orchestra (Desi Arnaz also toured with that band.)

Chico's lifelong gambling addiction compelled him to continue in show business long after his brothers had retired in comfort from their Hollywood income, and in the early 40s, he found himself playing in the same small, cheap halls he had begun his career in 30 years previously.

It was rumored that when Bugsy Siegal was shot, one of the items found on his person was a check from Chico, payment of a gambling debt from a poker game.

October 11, 1968 -
NASA launched Apollo 7, the first successful manned mission in the Apollo lunar-landing program on this date. The launch was performed with very little fanfare, as it was the first American space mission since three astronauts died in a fire aboard Apollo 1.

The mission, however, does mark the first live television transmission from a spacecraft in orbit.

October 11, 1975 -
William Jefferson (Blythe III) Clinton and Hillary Diane Rodham were married in Fayetteville, Arkansas 48 years ago, on this date.

The past is another country: they absolutely did things differently there.

October 11, 1976 -
After the death of Chinese leader Mao Zedong, Mao's widow Jiang Qing and three others, dubbed the "Gang of Four," were arrested and charged with plotting a coup, on this date.

Their first album, Entertainment! was released two years later.

After their re-education, eventually, so were they.

October 11, 1978 -
Former Sex Pistols bassist Sid Vicious (Gary Oldman) stabbed girlfriend Nancy Spungen (Chloe Webb) to death in room 100 of New York's Chelsea Hotel on this date. Because Sid remembered nothing about the crime, theories include robbery and an abortive suicide pact. Vicious died of an ugly heroin overdose shortly before his trial.

Folks, there are no pretty heroin overdoses.

October 11, 1984 -
Kathryn D. Sullivan became the first American woman to walk in space on this date. During her three-hour extra-vehicular activity (EVA), Sullivan tested NASA's Orbital Refueling System (ORS) to determine the feasibility of fueling satellites in orbit.

Sullivan was joined aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger by Sally Ride, the first American woman to reach outer space. Mission STS-41-G was the first space flight with two women astronauts.

October 11, 1991 -
One of the comedian Redd Foxx and the cast of The Royal Family were in the midst of practicing. “They were rehearsing on the set and clowning around, and Redd was sort of breaking people up when he collapsed,” said Rachel McCallister, a spokesperson for the show, in an interview with the Los Angeles Times. “They all thought he was joking around at first, and then they called the paramedics.”signature running gags involved faking a heart attack by putting his hand on his chest and saying "It's the big one, I'm coming to join ya honey/Elizabeth" (referring to his late wife).

So when he had a real heart attack on the set of his television show on this date, his castmates thought he was trying to be funny. It proved to be fatal and Foxx died later the same day.

October 11, 2008 -
Luc Costermans, of Belgium, wanted to prove something on this date. So he borrowed a Lamborghini Gallardo that was outfitted with some special equipment. (I don't have any friends that would loan me their Lamborghinis.)

Driving with Guillaume Roman, Costermans drove 192 miles per hour on an airstrip in France, breaking the previous record of 178.5 miles per hour, which had been set three years before.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Costermans was blind and apparently Roman was crazy.

Before you go -

there are 20 days until Halloween.

(Psst - there are 35 more days until the general election. Not sure which is more scary)

One more thing - Gmar chatima tova

Yom Kippur starts this evening. If you're celebrating (strange choice of words,) you better hurry up and finish reading this before sundown. May your fast pass easily - Don't hesitate to contact me if you can't remember the things you should be atoning for by now.

May your fast pass easily. Hopefully your sins are not so numerous that you need to bring several loaves of bread to your local body of water.

And so it goes

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