Read the ramblings of Dr. Caligari. Hopefully you will find that Time does wound all heels.
You no longer need to be sad that nowadays there is so little useless information.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
The word of the day that might not come up
Mehari - racing dromedary. Meharist, n. soldier riding one.
I'm not sure there are many of you that are getting ready to saddle up.
We lose an hour of sleep tonight - daylight saving time starts at 2 AM tomorrow morning, so don't forget to turn all those clocks, microwaves, DVD players, etc. ahead.
Please do this work yourself: where would you have been an hour earlier tomorrow?
March 7, 1936 - Walt Disney's Mickey's Grand Opera, premiered on this date.
I'm not a big Disney fan (especially Mickey Mouse) but this one is pretty funny. Donald Duck undergoes a major face lift after this cartoon.
March 7, 1962 -
The Alain Resnais' enigmatic masterpiece, L'année dernière à Marienbad (Last Year in Marienbad), opened in the US on this date.
I'll tell you the plot - a man meets a woman at a European spa and tries to convince her (and himself) that they met one year ago. According to screenwriter Alain Robbe-Grillet, the movie is a pure construction, without a frame of reference outside of its own existence - just watch it.
March 7, 1964 - John Frankenheimer's under- appreciated almost documentary-like thriller set set during WWII, The Train, premiered on this date.
In real life the museum's paintings were indeed loaded into a train for shipment to Germany, but fortunately, the elaborate deception seen in the movie was not really required. The train was merely routed onto a ring railway and circled around and around Paris until the Allies arrived.
March 7, 1986 -
This was a Red Letter Day for Daniel Day Lewis.
The stars somehow aligned for him and both My Beautiful Laundrette and A Room With A View, opened in NYC on this date.
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