Here is an abbreviated Today in History:
January 13, 1862 -
President Lincoln names Edwin M. Stanton Secretary of War. He vigorously pursued the apprehension and prosecution of the conspirators involved in Lincoln's assassination. These proceedings were not handled by the civil courts, but by a military tribunal, and therefore under Stanton's supervision.
Staton was appointed by President Grant to the Supreme Court, but he died four days after he was confirmed by the Senate, and taking the oath of office on his deathbed, set the record for shortest tenure on the Court.

January 13, 1900 -
To combat Czech nationalism, Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria-Hungary decrees German the official language of the Imperial Army. This causes all of the Esperanto schools in Austria-Hungarian Empire to close.

January 13, 1919 -
California votes to ratify the prohibition amendment. Much heavy drinking ensues.
January 13, 1832 -
Horatio Alger, Jr., American children's author (Ragged Dick, Tattered Tom) is born. Stop snickering.
And so it goes.
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