Monday, February 18, 2019

Andrew Jackson taught his pet parrot how to curse

It's Generic Executive Office Holder of the Government Day.

So let's hear it for all the generic Presidents, just remember that we will have to include Trump in this celebration in a few years.

Stick with me, we're almost there

If you're lucky you might catch a local  dragon and lion dance teams practicing for tomorrow's lantern festivities.

Yeah, yeah,  I know, it's National Drink Wine Day every day in my home. Hey, I make wine disappear. What’s your superpower?

While, I can't find the basis for the holiday, I have my suspicions: George, the English Duke of Clarence, was convicted of treason against his brother King Edward IV and murdered in the Tower of London on February 18, 1478.

The legend arose that he had been drowned in a barrel of Malmsey wine.

February 18, 1938 -
If only he had his intercostal clavicle ...

The greatest screwball comedy, directed by Howard Hawks, Bringing Up Baby, starring Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant was released on this date.

Katharine Hepburn
had one very close call with the leopard. She was wearing a skirt that was lined with little metal pieces to make the skirt swing prettily. When Hepburn turned around abruptly, the leopard made a lunge for her back. Only the intervention of the trainer's whip saved Hepburn.

February 18, 1939 -
Universal Studios
released the WC Fields' comedy You Can't Cheat an Honest Man, also starring Edgar Bergen, on this date.

W.C. Fields
became a big hit on radio, especially on Edgar Bergen's radio program, where he had a long-running "feud" with Charlie McCarthy. This film was an attempt to capitalize on the popularity of that feud by having it carried on in a movie.

February 18, 1983
Martin Scorsese's black comedy, The King of Comedy, starring Robert De Niro, Jerry Lewis and Sandra Bernhard premiered in the US on this date.

In the scene where Robert De Niro and Sandra Bernhard argue in the street, three of the "street scum" that mock Bernhard are Mick Jones, Joe Strummer and Paul Simonon, members of the British punk rock band, The Clash.

Word of the Day

Today in History:
February 18, 1268
On this date, the Livonian Brothers of the Sword are defeated by Dovmont of Pskov in the Battle of Rakovor.

If you hurry, I believe you can still send flowers or candy to friends and family to commemorate the event.

February 18, 1405 -
Timur Lenk
, (also known as Timur the Lame, Tamerlane, Tamerlaine or Mr. Tambourine man,) caught a cold and died on an expedition to China on this date.

He was the inspiration for many a poet and playwright and  known as The Scourge of God, Timur didn't listen to his mother and button his jacket while outside. Let this be a lesson to us all.

February 18, 1564 -
Michelangelo (Buonarotti), Renaissance painter, sculptor, architect, poet and engineer died on this date.

He may have gotten the last laugh as he thought about the number of penises he got to paint on the ceiling of any church.

February 18, 1856 -
The American Party (Know-Nothings) convenes in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on this date to nominate its first Presidential candidate, former President Millard Fillmore.

And yes, he does look exactly like Alec Baldwin; thanks for noticing.

Elm Farm Ollie (known as "Nellie Jay" and post-flight as "Sky Queen") was the first cow to fly in an airplane, doing so on February 18, 1930, as part of the International Air Exposition held in St. Louis, Missouri.

On the same trip, which covered 72 miles from Bismarck, Missouri, to St. Louis, she also became the first cow milked in flight. (Does that mean that she was the first cow to join the mile high club?) This was done ostensibly to allow scientists to observe midair effects on animals, as well as for publicity purposes. And somehow Charles Lindbergh was involved.

A St. Louis newspaper trumpeted her mission as being "to blaze a trail for the transportation of livestock by air."

Your life is better for knowing this.

February 18, 1930 -
Clyde Tombaugh
liked to look at French Postcards. He like to look into his neighbors' windows. When he got tired of that, he started studying photos of the night sky where astronomers predicted a "Planet X" would show up.

Tombaugh ended up discovering the dwarf planet Pluto on this date. He also discovered more than 800 asteroids during his search for "Planet X."

Our Alien Overlords were very wily avoiding Clyde.

February 18, 1933 -
Yoko Ono
was born on this date.

What else is there to say?

February 18, 1967 -
J. Robert Oppenheimer,
the father of the atomic bomb, died on this date.

His children never even send him flowers.

February 18, 1979 -
Snow fell in Sahara Desert, in Southern Algeria during a storm which lasts about half an hour on this date.

It didn't snow again until January 18, 2012. Perhaps, some of you may wish to move there now.

February 18, 2001 -
Race car driver Dale Earnhardt crashed into the wall at the Daytona 500, killing him instantly. His widow files a lawsuit to force the autopsy photos to be sealed, and a Florida law is subsequently passed to prevent them from ever being released.

Earnhardt was the most well known and most successful driver in the history of the sport.

And so it goes.


Also, on a personal note - Happy Birthday Matt.

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