Thursday, March 3, 2011

Time, time, time, see what's become of me (and you forthat matter.)

March 3, 1923 -
The first issue of Time magazine, created by Briton Hadden and Henry Luce (the first weekly news magazine in the United States), was published on this date. It featured on its cover, Joseph G. Cannon, the retired Speaker of the United States House of Representatives

It has been suggested that TIME is an acronym, for The International Magazine of Events.

March 3, 1933 -
W.C. Fields classic short, The Fatal Glass of Beer, premiered on this date.

In Fields' first sound film, The Golf Specialist (1930) there is a wanted poster of Fields which shows him in his Fatal Glass of Beer costume. It evidently was taken from an earlier stage presentation of the classic Fields sketch.

Today in History -
Russian Tsar, Tzar, Czar Alexander II issued a manifest and ends feudal control of serfs as part of a program of westernization.

The Russian serf lived a hopeless life of back-breaking labor and desperate poverty. Their oppression, which continued even after their liberation, caused riots, assassinations, and literature. Finally they had the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 to make the serfs equal to everyone else, and it worked.

From that point forward, everyone lived a hopeless life of back-breaking labor and desperate poverty.

The American surfdom can only be blamed for the Beach Boys and Annette Funicello.

March 3, 1863 -
The National Conscription Act is signed, forcing all men between 20 and 45 years of age into the draft lotteries. Except for rich bastards, who could buy their way out for $300, or hire another man to serve in his place.

The inevitable result is the week long New York Draft Riots.

March 3, 1887 -
Anne Mansfield Sullivan arrived at the Alabama home of Capt. and Mrs. Arthur H. Keller to become the teacher of Helen, their blind and deaf 6-year-old daughter.

Anne Sullivan was legally blind and Helen Keller was blind and deaf. They accomplished more in their lives than most abled body people.

March 3, 1931 -
An English beer drinking song becomes the National Anthem of the United States. The lyrics to said drink song are -

To Anacreon in heaven where he sat in full glee,
A few sons of harmony sent a petition,
That he their inspirer and patron would be,
When this answer arrived from the jolly old Grecian:
Voice, fiddle aud flute, no longer be mute,
I'll lend you my name and inspire you to boot!
And besides I'll instruct you like me to entwine
The myrtle of Venus and Bacchus's vine.

I believe drinking heavily is the key here.

Perhap we can hand out laminated cards before each game.

March 3, 1931 -
On the same day President Herbert Hoover signed a congressional act adopting The Star-Spangled Banner, as the national anthem, Cab Calloway recorded the classic Minnie The Moocher.

It became the first million-selling jazz album.

...Why, you can get a phonograph record of Minnie the Moocher for 75 cents. And for a buck and a quarter, you can get Minnie....

March 3, 1934 -
John Dillinger escapes from an escapeproof jail in Crown Point Indiana, using a wooden pistol he carved himself. It's his second escape.

Remember, J. Edger is just months away from slicing up the corpse of Dillinger for his own personal collection.

March 3, 1959 -
An embittered and confused Lou Costello rouses himself from his hospital bed to mutter, Fuck you Abbott, Who's on first now, coughs up bloody phlegm and dies.

Bud Abbott, ten years older than Lou, smiles to himself, lights a cigars and live another 15 years to spite his former partner.

March 3, 1991 -
Los Angles Police officers are filmed beating black motorist Rodney King with nightsticks. Television news stations repeatedly air the film nationwide.

Four whites are charged with the beating on March 15, and when they are found not guilty, Los Angeles erupts in riot.

And so it goes.

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