Monday, June 2, 2008

When will they ever learn?

Kids, if you're famous, have your assistant make your drug purchases so you don't have to appear in the Post.

Here's your Today in History -

June 2, 1740 -
The Marquis de Sade was born on this date and his sexual proclivities made his name a noun. His sexual proclivities themselves have been preserved in a mason jar at the Louvre.

June 2, 1793 -
Jean Paul Marat recites names of 29 people to the French Assembly, virtually all of whom will be guillotined. The "Rain of Terror" officially began in France. This was one of the worst meteorological events in French history and cost hundreds of thousands of lives.

June 2, 1941 -
Baseball great, Lou Gehrig, dies at 37 at his home in the Bronx. You would have thought someone might have mentioned to him that he had Lou Gehrig's disease earlier in his career.

June 2, 1996 -
Ray Combs, host of television's Family Feud, hangs himself with his bedsheets at Glendale Adventist Hospital. Combs was on a 72 hour suicide watch. Only 17 people guessed bedsheets.

June 2, 1999 -
Pope John Paul II blesses the Vatican's new underground parking garage. A miracle of modern technology! Please remember that parking in the garage does not forfill any holy days of obligation.

June 2, 2003 -
Thousands of defeated Iraqi troops marched on U.S. occupation headquarters in Baghdad, demanding to be paid. It is perhaps the first time in history a defeated army has demanded payroll from the victors.

And so it goes.

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