Thursday, May 22, 2008

Alright, enough already with the rain.

It's rains for six straight days - I'm too moist. I need to dry out before crotch rot sets in.

Here's a Tom Lehrer song for no particular reason -

Here is your Today in History -

May 22, 337 -
Emperor Constantine dies. Although quite dead, his embalmed corpse continues to act as head of state, receiving state dignitaries and daily reports from ministers as if nothing had changed. Constantine's macabre leadership continues through winter. Sometimes, it good to be the King, even after you're dead.

Richard Wagner was born on May 22, 1813. One of the most controversial personalities of the nineteenth century, Wagner wrote some of its most controversial music. Hitler is said for most of his life to have kept only three books on his nightstand: Wagner's autobiography, Machiavelli's The Prince, and The Best of Juggs. (How Hitler ended up with Wagner's nightstand is a question best left alone.)

Wagner considered it his life's mission to create a new and purely German music, in German, about Germany, for Germans, and is therefore best known for having scored the helicopter scene in Apocalypse Now.

On May 22, 1939, Hitler and Benito Mussolini signed their "Pact of Steel," committing their countries to a military alliance. The pact held. (Their "Pact of Aluminum" had failed miserably, and their "Pact of Semi-Adhesive Paste" is still the butt of diplomats' jokes.)

May 22, 1967 -
Today was the first day a soft spoken man slipped into your home and made himself more comfortable. But don't let his demeanor fool you, he was the power behind the throne of a kingdom where most of the royalty were mere "puppets". Mr. Fred Rogers premieres on WQED.

Would you be mine? Could you be mine?
Won't you be my neighbor?
Won't you please, won't you please?
Please won't you be my neighbor indeed!!!

May 22, 1992 -
The man, most of America went to bed with every night for 30 years finally got tired of having to try to satisfy so many people. John Carson's final appearance on the Tonight Show was broadcast on this date.

And so it goes.

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